Jack Sparrow of Legend Woods
2005 Friesian Sport Horse

Jack Sparrow of Legend Woods 9/04/05. Triple registered and double inspected Friesian/Holsteiner Gelding. Solid Bay - no white. Out of 16 hand Holsteiner mare, Pirate Rose (Lacroix x Guinevera by Runaway) and sired by Novi. This colt is very smart & athletic. He stands nicely for shots, wormer and the farrier. He has also been bathed, lounged, tied, trailered and knows how to trot in hand. In September 2006, he scored a 2nd premium at the Friesian Sport Horse Inspection with a score of 71.07 (pretty good score for a yearling who was butt-high at the time). He scored an 8.40 on the most important gait - the walk. He is also microchipped with an AVID chip with a lifetime registration through AVID. Jack is also now registered and inspected with the Friesian Blood Horse Registry - he scored a 7.3 at the FXR inspection in November 2006. Jack is also registered with the Friesian Heritage Horse & Sporthorse International and the Friesian Sport Horse Registry. At 2 years, 8 months, Jack measured just shy of 15.3 hands - and he is still growing. Jack has been started under saddle and is now doing some jumping work.

Price: Currently in training in Indiana (as of Dec. 2009) - $12,000

Video Clips: Available on request

The 4 photos directly below are from the summer of 2010

Click the thumbnails below for a larger view

Sire Pedigree Dam
Novi - Friesian Registered, HH, FSH & FBHR Pirate Rose - Holsteiner
Oct. 2006 - 1 Yr, 1 mo. Oct. 2006 - 1 Yr, 1 mo. Oct. 2006 - 1 Yr, 1 mo. Oct. 2006 - 1 Yr, 1 mo.
Oct. 2006 - 1 Yr, 1 mo. Oct. 2006 - 1 Yr, 1 mo. Oct. 2006 - 1 Yr, 1 mo. Oct. 2006 - 1 Yr, 1 mo.
Oct. 2006 - 1 Yr, 1 mo. Oct. 2006 - 1 Yr, 1 mo. Oct. 2006 - 1 Yr, 1 mo. Oct. 2006 - 1 Yr, 1 mo.

Sept. 30, 2006 at the FSH Inspection

Sept. 30, 2006 at the FSH Inspection June 2006 - 9 months June 2006 - 9 months
Questions? Please e-mail us or call Kayla on cell at (612) 940-4998.